Monday, March 31, 2008

Why Do I Still Get Viruses?

Viruses & Anti-Virus Software

Many people have Anti-Virus software installed. Many of the
major Anti-Virus software company s now promote what they
call "Security Suites" or packages. These Security Suites
contain everything from Anti-Virus, Firewall Protection,
SPAM and Pop-Up blockers, and Ad-ware protection. Quite
often, once the software is installed people find out that
things they use to be able to do on the Internet are no
longer possible. So what happens is portions or all of the
software they purchased to protect their computer get
disabled. The result, an ineffective software program that
you paid good money for! Worst than that, most people have
no idea exactly how the Anti-Virus portion of the package
should be configured. Leaving it up to the default
configuration to defend their computers. Most of the manuals
that come with these software packages seem to be written
for those who understand the intricate workings of computers
along with every computer acronym ever invented!

Most everyone who owns a computer knows about viruses.
Years ago, viruses were more of an annoyance than anything.
But as time passed those who develop viruses became more
astute at their trade and started developing viruses with
malicious intent.

It s amazing that we regularly find computers without any
anti-virus protection at all. Typically, those who do not,
find out rather quickly how important virus protection is.
In addition to the many computers we find without virus
protection, we find many computers do not have the
anti-virus software configured and running properly to
protect them from even the most basic type of infection.

What is a Virus?

A virus is a type of program that can execute on your
computer and has the ability to replicate itself. Computer
viruses, like biological viruses, spread quickly and in many
cases , are quite difficult to stop and destroy. They can
attach themselves to many types of files. As these files
are transferred between multiple computers each computer
along the away becomes infected and has the ability to
continue spreading the infection.

What is a Trojan?

A Trojan is software that can perform unauthorized tasks on
your computer. More often than not, these tasks are
malicious in nature. The biggest difference between a
trojan and a virus is that Viruses have the ability to
replicate whereas a Trojan typically does not. If your
computer becomes infected with a Trojan it can cause;

Damage to your computers software, Operating System, and

Your system can become unstable and exhibit unexpected

The security of your system becomes compromised;

It could lead to the unauthorized access of your computer;

Beware programs and software in pretty packages (for free
usually). Remember what happen to the Trojan s of Greek

What is Malware?

The word "Malware" is short for "Malicious Software". It
refers to any software or programs with malicious intent
such as viruses, Trojans, worms, droppers, and kits. Just
as a note, not all Malware should be considered a virus but
the majority can be considered as such.

What can a Virus do to me?

There are many malicious actions a virus, worm, or general
Malware can take. Just a few examples are;

Change or delete important data on your computer such as
documents, music and video files, and possibly destroy all
data on your computer;

Search for important information such as contact lists and
use this information to replicate itself by sending everyone
in your contact lists an e-mail with the virus/worm

Spread amongst all your computers in various methods such as
e-mail and file sharing;

Disguise itself as a legitimate part of the Operating System
- making it very difficult to detect and destroy;

and just about anything else malicious you can think up!

Virus Life Cycle

Creation - In the past it took significant skill to create a
virus. However, anyone with even basic skills can create a
virus. In fact, there are virus creation labs freely
available on the Internet. This can allow anyone to create
interesting and potentially malicious code;

Replication - If one of the main goals of the virus
developer is the replication or spread of the virus, many
viruses will lay dormant and wait for a certain event to
take place like a date something similar. This allows the
virus to replicate to many systems before it activates;

Activation - Once certain requirements or conditions are
met, the virus will activate itself and execute the code
that causes damage to your computer. Not all virus cause
damage. Non-damaging virus usually do not need activation;

Identification - Once the virus has infected computers and
activated themselves in the wild (on your computer), they
are isolated and documented and sent to the anti-virus

Recognition - The anti-virus companies then develop the code
necessary to detect the virus, update their virus signature
patterns, and make them available to their customers. This
process can be rather quick or can take days or months;

Destruction - If enough people are protected by anti-virus
software that can detect, isolate, and destroy the virus, it
can be stopped from spreading;

Based on current information and statistics no virus has yet
to be completely eradicated!

How do I Protect my Computer?

The most obvious thing that you can do is install anti-virus
software. In fact, this is not so much an option as it is
a requirement. That is if you want to be protected and not
A) lose everything you have on your computer, B) spread
viruses to your friends, family and associates, C) be a
productive part of the public network (Internet) community.

In addition, you need to make sure that your anti-virus
software is functioning properly;

Make sure that your anti-virus subscription is not out of
date. In some cases, if your subscription is out of date,
the product ceases to function or can no longer download new
virus patterns. Preventing it from detecting the latest

If you receive an unsolicited piece of e-mail do not open
it. Delete the e-mail right away;

Many e-mail clients have the ability to give you a preview
of the e-mail before actually opening it. If your e-mail
client is configured this way, turn it off. This can
actually allow the virus to activate the moment you
highlight the e-mail;

If you receive e-mail from a friend or associate that you
were not expecting, or one that has an odd subject line like
"Subject: The pictures I promised you!" or "The program you
requested", contact your fiend and ask them if they actually
sent it;

Configure you anti-virus software to check for virus pattern
updates on a frequent basis. Checking once a week is
probably not good enough. At the very least, configure it
to check at least once a day. Our systems check more
frequently than that;

Make sure your anti-virus software is configured to perform
a scheduled scan of your computer. Many people rely on the
"real-time" scanning which is suppose to catch viruses in
real-time as you select and open files. This is not 100%
accurate and nothing substitutes for a thorough manual scan
of "all" your system files

Don t rely on anti-virus software alone. Make sure that you
are using some sort of anti ad-ware and spy-ware software.
These programs can catch a plethora of malicious software
that your anti-virus software may miss.


All it takes is one bad experience with a damaging virus to
make you realize how vulnerable you and your computers are.
Be diligent in your defense against Malware and your
computer / Internet experience will be more enjoyable. The
same goes for small and medium sized business. Those who
have been down for a day or days as the result of a virus
will know exactly what I am talking about.


You may reprint or publish this article free of charge as
long as the bylines are included.

Original URL (The Web version of the article): kortney matilde

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

ABC s Of DVD Drive Abbreviations

The number of different formats available in DVD drives can be confusing to anyone in the market for one. The list is much longer, but to address a few of the common formats, we have DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-RAM ,DVD+R DL and DVD RW. Wow! This list of common formats is long enough, no wonder it s confusing!

What s with all the Formats?!

The reason for various recordable DVD formats is that no one group owns the technology and different groups have chosen to support one technology over another. There is no industrial standard for manufacturers to reference, so for the time being consumers will have a few choices.

The first thing to address is DVD itself, which stands for Digital Versatile Disc. Some may argue that the V stands for Video, but with the capability to store video, audio, and data files, Versatile is definitely the keyword.

Start with the Basics

A DVD-ROM drive is the only one we will address that does not record. ROM stands for Read Only Memory, and refers to the typical drive that can merely read DVDs, as well as CDs (all DVD drives can read CDs). The Lite-On LTD-163-DO-R has attributes representative of your typical DVD-ROM drive, and features a maximum DVD read speed of 16x and a maximum CD read speed of 48x.

Before getting into the different recordable formats, let s address the basics of what the R and RW stand for, regardless of whether there is a + or in the middle. R stands for Recordable, which indicates that the disk may be recorded to only once. RW stands for ReWritable, which indicates that the disc may be recorded to more than once, and are generally rated for 1000 rewrites under good conditions.

The DVD-R/-RW format was developed by Pioneer, and was the first format compatible with stand alone DVD players. The group that promotes the technology calls itself the DVD Forum, which is an international association of hardware manufacturers, software firms, content providers, and other users with notable members such as Hitachi, Samsung, and Toshiba. The DVD-R/-RW format is based on CD-RW technology and uses a similar approach to burning discs.

The DVD+R/+RW format is a newer format, also based on CD-RW technology, and compatible with a large percentage of stand alone DVD players. The +R/+RW technology is not supported by the DVD Forum, and its main backing comes from a group called the DVD+RW Alliance. The Alliance is a voluntary group of industry-leading personal computing manufacturers, optical storage and electronics manufacturers with members such as Dell, Hewlett Packard, Sony, and Phillips Electronics.

The DVD-RAM format is based on PD-RW (Phase-Differential) drives, and actually uses a cartridge to hold the media (just like its PD-RW predecessor). Some DVD-RAM cartridges are double sided, making them ideal for companies to use as system backup, hence DVD-RAM is usually found only in commercial applications, and most end-users won t ever need to use or see this type of drive. The DVD-RAM standard is also supported by the DVD Forum just like the DVD-R/RW format. However, because of its use of a cartridge (limiting it s compatibility), and the scarcity and price of the media used, DVD-RAM is a distant third when compared to the DVD+R/+RW and DVD-R/ RW technology.

The +R/+RW and R/-RW formats are similar, and the main difference DVD+R technology has is the ability to record to multiple layers (with its new DVD+R DL format), where DVD-R can only record to one layer (not all +R drives are capable of dual layer burning, but no -R drives are). The Plextor PX-504U is an example of an external DVD+R/+RW drive capable of recording single layer discs in the +R/+RW format, but also able to read discs recorded by a DVD-R drive.

What is DVD RW?

DVD RW is not actually a separate format, but the designation given to drives capable of both R/ RW and +R/+RW operation. This type of drive is typically called a Dual Drive (not to be confused with a Double Layer drive) since it can write to both the +R/+RW and R/ RW formats. The Samsung TS-H552 is a DVD RW drive capable of reading and writing every format discussed so far, and then some. It takes advantage of DVD+R DL (Double Layer) technology available with the +R format, allowing the appropriate media to store virtually double the 4.37 GB capacity of a typical single layer disc.

The other main thing to consider with DVD burners is selecting the correct media. Media for DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R and DVD+RW media may all look the same, but they are slightly different in order to match the specific recording formats. The price of media for either format is generally the same, with RW media costing a good deal more than R media of either format. Double Layer media is even more expensive, and is the only way for an owner of DVD+R DL drive to take advantage of the tremendous capacity increase. As the amount of Double Layer drives increase in the market, the price of the DVD+R DL media is expected to fall with increased production of the media. DVD Burners (as these drive are often referred to) can be picky about the media supported, so be sure to choose your media wisely.

DVD in a Nutshell

DVD-ROM : Reads DVD discs

DVD+R : Writes to DVD+R media (will also typically write to CD-R and CD-RW media)

DVD+RW : Writes to DVD+RW media (will also typically write to DVD+R, CD-R and CD-RW media)

DVD+R DL : Writes to DVD+R DL (Double Layer) media (will also typically write to DVD+R, DVD+RW, CD-R and CD-RW media; many Double Layer drives are ALSO dual drives that is, able to write to BOTH +R/RW and R/RW media)

DVD-RAM : Writes to DVD-RAM cartridges (not in wide use on consumer market mainly a business format; can also read PD-RW discs. Will not usually be able to write to any other format including CD-R or CD-RW)

DVD-R : Writes to DVD-R media (will also typically write to CD-R and CD-RW media)

DVD-RW : Writes to DVD-RW media (will also typically write to DVD-R, CD-R and CD-RW media)

DVD RW : Writes to DVD-RW and DVD+RW media (will also typically write to DVD-R, DVD+R, CD-R and CD-RW media; typically called Dual Drives since it can burn to two different DVD formats)

Final Words

This article took a look at the more common formats of DVD drives in order to shed some light on all the choices available. The differences between them all may be subtle, but the compatibility issues can be quite frustrating. The simple answer to anyone considering a drive is to forget about + and by themselves, and shoot for universal compatibility with a good DVD RW with DVD+R DL support. lorinda breanna

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Timing IT Audits

IT audits should be short and sweet. Normally, within a period of about four hours, you need to know exactly what is happening in & 39; company, the system, which must be done, as is the priority of the to-do list, which contain hardware, software or other products & 39; of the company must be & 39; Buy.
Because offer a quantity tracking elements, there will be a lot of time, yet, for the work of detail later, so that you do not want, and rightly so, in the distance. IT audit is intended to provide an overview of issues, not now or a total of fixed solutions.
A list Keeps You On Time
Limiting audits to four hours is as simple as & 39; over a dozen different fields, you are addressing in & 39;. As we can not to each element of & 39; computer or over a period of four hours, with twelve of these things, you can most important goal of the & 39;. The following is an example of the list of goods and placement of their time:
1. After half an hour to an hour on the main server, which may be even 20 minutes for secondary (if applicable).
2. Within minutes (15)-on-LAN Hub
3 infrastructure. A search of various routers and switches-Hub, 10 to 15 minutes in an hour, while a few notes, or what you find d & 39; further comments on LADs or protection against overvoltage.
4. Half an hour to 45 minutes on a PC a few representatives & quot;. & Quot;
What Is A & quot; representatives & quot; Pc?
A PC is one of the most important PC users in companies. You can find out who these people are, in your company contact you directly. A coup d & 39; eye on two to four computers represent you a good impression of what happens configurations player assignments, network protocols, and in what form they are in
IT audit should you much information about what are the "hot spots" of a company, what can wait a few weeks or a few months, and can range, which is also in the to-do list for a long-term plan. But it should be as short as possible, while clients are still a clear idea about how their systems work.
Copyright MMI-MMVII, Small Biz Tech Talk. All rights reserved throughout the world. (Attention editor: Live in box hyperlink Author resource for respect for the rights of & 39; author) woodrow mignon

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bitstop Listed as Sole ASC+ in the Philippines

Bitstop Network Services have been congatulated by Mr. Michael Dellutri, ASC Product Manager at CompTIA for being listed as the only CompTIA A+ authorized Service Center in the Philippines.
The CompTIA A+ Listing is proof of Bitstop s Inc s technical quality in our service center. By employing A+ certified technicians, our customers will know that service and satisfaction are paramount to Bitstop Inc., and that Bitstop Network Services Inc. have quality technician personnel to service the client s needs.
For more information, please visit
Bitstop Computers officially joined the computer industry in mid 1989 as a sole proprietorship. The small enterprise carried computer hardware systems, computer supplies and accessories, and catered to a number of corporate clients. It also supplied students with their encoding and machine rental requirements. The market steadily became aware of Bitstop Computers as a reliable and affordable computer dealer.
Also visit the site to know more about our services.

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