Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Timing IT Audits

IT audits should be short and sweet. Normally, within a period of about four hours, you need to know exactly what is happening in & 39; company, the system, which must be done, as is the priority of the to-do list, which contain hardware, software or other products & 39; of the company must be & 39; Buy.
Because offer a quantity tracking elements, there will be a lot of time, yet, for the work of detail later, so that you do not want, and rightly so, in the distance. IT audit is intended to provide an overview of issues, not now or a total of fixed solutions.
A list Keeps You On Time
Limiting audits to four hours is as simple as & 39; over a dozen different fields, you are addressing in & 39;. As we can not to each element of & 39; computer or over a period of four hours, with twelve of these things, you can most important goal of the & 39;. The following is an example of the list of goods and placement of their time:
1. After half an hour to an hour on the main server, which may be even 20 minutes for secondary (if applicable).
2. Within minutes (15)-on-LAN Hub
3 infrastructure. A search of various routers and switches-Hub, 10 to 15 minutes in an hour, while a few notes, or what you find d & 39; further comments on LADs or protection against overvoltage.
4. Half an hour to 45 minutes on a PC a few representatives & quot;. & Quot;
What Is A & quot; representatives & quot; Pc?
A PC is one of the most important PC users in companies. You can find out who these people are, in your company contact you directly. A coup d & 39; eye on two to four computers represent you a good impression of what happens configurations player assignments, network protocols, and in what form they are in
IT audit should you much information about what are the "hot spots" of a company, what can wait a few weeks or a few months, and can range, which is also in the to-do list for a long-term plan. But it should be as short as possible, while clients are still a clear idea about how their systems work.
Copyright MMI-MMVII, Small Biz Tech Talk. All rights reserved throughout the world. (Attention editor: Live in box hyperlink Author resource for respect for the rights of & 39; author) woodrow mignon

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