Sunday, April 6, 2008

Protecting Your Computer and Network

According to the latest research, I found that Microsoft electronic threats increasingly complex and advanced " infiltrators & quot; mature. How to protect yourself against these threats? It really is easier and cheaper then you think, and the yield is high. In this article we will address these challenges.
1. Get antivirus program. Some worms, such as mydoom, are capable of realizing the full network knees. Some threats collect personal information, such as passwords, and transmits them to a remote area. Cost associated with these threats is very high. To address these issues, has released several companies that are free of protection for domestic use. Choose carefully programme also promised some world, or have a good reputation, but it does not live up to an unbiased test hype.
one higher degree 20 programmes to combat HIV virus 175000 definitions. The results may surprise you. From Symantec Norton, often seen as a better and require an annual fee for updates, is in fact at the bottom of the list along with mcafee, easily overtaken offers free, such as average, avast! The company Shield active virus, using engine kaspersky top. In another test, Norton takes three of the six largest hotbeds of programs that consume the most resources. As you can see, you do not always get what you pay for Oimknkm Leaving your vulnerable.
at Northern Protocol recommend AOL Shield company to remove the virus and X-Windows. Bi-house use. Updates are free, and response times faster than Norton or mcafee, and they provide more comprehensive protection against threats. monitor response times from different vendors, and we have found that Norton and mcafee is at the bottom of the list for the release of definitions. Your viruses is only as good as they definitions, and the slow response time and less effective detection increases the window of infection.
2 possible. Get a programme to combat espionage. Spyware threats increasingly complex. As browsers improved security features, crooked " script children & quot; changed tactics, now using JavaScript for the installation of threats, which affect any browser has enabled this. The so-called free " & quot; software, such as Screen, backgrounds, & quot; smiles & quot;, but is not limited to, installation of espionage without your knowledge, and Wade " Agreement & quot; length in the Convention license that anyone ever read before they click " accept ". Twisted some sites ask you to install " download managers & quot; access to their files, which is often espionage (the so-called sponsor " & quot; software) inherent. Pay close attention to any request you to installer to install the sponsor " & quot; software. Antispyware many programmes and security are in fact wings fraud, and often install spyware themselves. You can find a complete list here.
there many good programmes there, but one in a company and we recommend Northern Protocol is the most prevx2.0. It requires a small annual fee to maintain the protection of active ingredient, but we find it very effective. Another good is the protection wing average combat malware, which also requires a modest annual fee. Windows is a good defender of free alternative to users of Windows products.
3 real. Install a firewall. Firewalls block interference from the outside, hiding your computer from the Internet so that hackers " & quot; do not know it there. It can also block messages coming from inside your network. Again, there are a lot of misconceptions in this area. Norton, mcafee, despite having a good reputation, is in fact the slow and poorly performing according to the review. ZoneAlarm, while popular, is the cart and has complained that he hanged himself, and is now also one of the claims involve the user. This review conducted by the magazine NBC, rates comodo personal firewall, barrier free, as one of the best in the class and it is our recommendation also well.
a more effective solution, but it is more complex in structure, to install an old computer is a firewall, running smoothwall. This solution is very effective and cheap, and one that we use to protect our interests network.
4. Purchase path. Tracks are cheap and in many cases offer built firewalls working side by side with a natural " & quot; that the firewall is standard on all tracks. Is this what is the title of Internet Protocol taken from the Internet and translated into internal addresses for your computer (s). This adds an extra layer of protection for your computer or network, the development of one of the largest obstacle in the way of any potential intrusive. Protocol Northern company recommends using linksys or d - linking wbr monastery or a series of best performance.
5 tracks. Group Wireless Security on the path of your own. Often leave people in the default settings for radio, leaving their networks are wide open to attack. Login to your control panel path of any browser ( told linksys, d - LINK), Set settings.
first wireless security, and to change the password file. Use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers, and then test your password in this form for the strength.
second, enable encryption. To this end, preferred methods of encryption where force is wpa2, WPA and WEP 128 bit recently. Some of the old network card does not support WPA or wpa2, to replace the card (recommended) or using WEP 128 bit. Create major using the same guidelines as a director your password, but make sure they different.
third, change the SSID (the name is the path to the inquiry programmes wireless devices). Ensure that it does not specify the make or model of your path and that is not personally identifiable. It is preferable to delay broadcasting final if you remember the name and enter it manually each configuration.
fourth wireless computer, and if not other computers on the need to login but yourself, and to enable the MAC and the introduction of ID candidate in each MAC ID of your organs . This is a very effective solution, but to prevent all your organs to be able to enter into your path and access to a word of thanks, even if they can figure out, or already know the key. Each Macintosh is a unique ID to each device on the Internet, and therefore may not be two devices have the same id.
6. Update to the latest version of the browser. We recommend using either IE or Opera 7, or both. These programmes to ensure that you have the latest security protection for browsing experience, and the use of advanced techniques to prevent automatic installations of the manuscripts, " phishing & quot; tricks, etc.
7. Update your operating system and software to the latest versions. As new threats and security flaws surface, Microsoft scramble to get new treatments to be in the hands of users, and once in a month Releases Malicious Software Removal Tool. Ensure that you have a genuine copy of Windows, with service pack 2 for the installation of X-Windows. Bi, to be eligible for all the latest software updates. Research is also showing that the operating systems become more secure, hackers are looking for a replacement " attack vectors & quot;, or other programs on your computer, a means of attacking the security of your system. Cover all your bases. Make sure that " Automatic Updates & quot; empowerment on your computer (s).
8. Make regular backup. As backup solutions continuing decline in prices, there are good reasons for the failure to perform regular backup. DVD burners, such as the pioneer, LG, is very expensive and reliable and can fit a large volume of data on a single CD or DVD. USB memory keys are also inexpensive, as is the external hard disk. One volume that is very important to support your My Documents folder. Stay away from the backup computer in a safe place. Photos can never be replaced often, so always keep a backup on the current hand.
is your computer infected? Do you need help using any of the measures mentioned in this article? Contact us at 705.812.2236. We remove your protection against infections and injuries in the future, without losing data.
learn more about security threats.
aaron Weston is the company president, North Protocol in Barrie, Ontario. Since in 1997, the Protocol Northern company provided the latest solutions by providing the results of ongoing research and expertise to the doors and customers in central Ontario. Computer &

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